Young boy wearing glasses eating fruit

Enter the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Research Awards 2022

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health's (RCPCH) 2022 Research Awards are now open until 30 November 2021. This year they are running the Lorber, Paediatric Involvement and Engagement in Research (PIER) and Simon Newell awards.

The Lorber Award

In memory of Professor John Lorber, the Lorber Award is awarded to the author of the best article on any subject related to paediatrics published or accepted for publication within the previous year.

It's open to medical practitioners who are registered in the UK and working in pre-consultant grades at the time the relevant scientific paper is accepted for publication.

The award winner will receive £200 and a certificate, and free attendance to one day of the RCPCH Conference and Exhibition (including reasonable expenses) where they will be presented with the award by the RCPCH President.


Established only a few years ago with the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), the PIER (Paediatric Involvement and Engagement in Research) award is designed to recognise the multidisciplinary research teams who make outstanding contributions to involving paediatric patients and families in the development and delivery of research.

It is open to research active paediatricians and paediatric focused research teams of up to four people. The individual or team should highlight their contribution to excellent paediatric patient/family engagement in the design and delivery of NIHR Clinical Research Network Portfolio studies.

The winner(s) will receive a trophy and free attendance to one day of the RCPCH Conference and Exhibition (including reasonable expenses) where they will be presented with the award by the RCPCH President.

The Simon Newell Early Independent Researcher Award

With GOSH Charity and Sparks, the RCPCH are running the Simon Newell award to recognise one outstanding young medically qualified researcher in British paediatrics.

The award winner will receive a trophy, £1,000 for themselves and £1,000 for their department. They will be presented with the award at the RCPCH Conference and Exhibition, with expenses covered and one day entry for the conference.

For more information and to enter the awards visit the RCPCH website