Man giving a presentation at an event

Climate Change Perceptions and Imaginaries in South Wales

Mae’r cynnwys hwn wedi dod o wefan allanol ac mae ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

The OPTIC project is producing a bilingual comic book that explores the imaginaries of climate change in five locations across south Wales. This project is designed to capture how the perceptions of younger people meet with the experiences and perspectives of older people.

A key part of this talk is to reflect on using creative approaches to design guidelines for environments of ageing that better address older people’s climate change perspectives and behaviours.

There will be further chances to get involved with the project following this online seminar, including an exhibition through July 2023 at the Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea University.

This event is being run by the Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research, for more information contact the event team.

