Young woman hugging an older female.

What support is provided to young carers when they are in bereavement?

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Do you support or work with children or young people who are caring or cared for a family member with a terminal illness? 

Led by researchers at Cardiff University in collaboration with the Young Carers Initiative and the Open University, this study aims to better understand how to improve the support provided to young people during difficult times of bereavement. 

The survey is for anyone in a voluntary or professional role who has experience of supporting or working with children and young people who are young carers (under 18) or young adult carers (18-25) and their families, when they are caring or in bereavement. Fill in the survey today. 

If you have any concerns or questions relating to this survey, please contact Dr Silvia Goss the Research Assistant. 

Or visit the study website for more information.