Development of research proposals and grant applications in areas of interest

Development of research proposals and grant applications in areas of interest.

My publications and statistical analysis of OBS Cymru cohort data have identified the need for a cluster RCT to explore the impact of this complex intervention. This award will provide me with protected time to apply for NIHR HS&DR grant funding for a widely applicable multi-centre study across the UK. Several collaborators have already been identified to develop this project including the Centre for Trials Research in Cardiff and multi-professional experts across the UK. I will be one of the lead applicants in this study. I will need to coordinate the development of the study including input from the identified collaborators. I will write the first draft of the submission and amend the document following collaborator feedback. In addition, I will coordinate updated PPI PPH work to strengthen and inform the submission. A concise summary of the work intended has already been submitted to the NIHR for early feedback and advice.

Following successful adoption of the OBS Cymru project, a further observational study looking at the sustainability of the intervention and the improved outcomes is required. I plan to design a study to investigate this, applying for OAA grant funding to support the project. I will coordinate data collection from all obstetric units in Wales, perform the analysis and then publish the results.

I am also a collaborator on the OBS Plus observational study, which is looking to characterise the coagulation changes that occur during PPH. The results of this study are currently being analysed. This will then identify further areas for research, including interpretation of point of care tests of coagulation during PPH.

In collaboration with my supervising research teams I will utilise data from the mSEP study to investigate the role of physiological markers in identifying sepsis during pregnancy. This will inform further research proposals including exploration of the role of epidural induced hyperthermia in identification of sepsis during labour. I will also review data regarding coagulopathy in obstetric sepsis and how bedside testing might be incorporated into clinical management. This final project would be an opportunity to combine both my interests in PPH and sepsis and has further possibility to be developed into an All Wales project, since all of our obstetric units use point of care testing of coagulation.

Multi-professional networking and collaboration

I have attended the Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association Annual scientific meeting every year since becoming a consultant. With this award I will attend multi-professional research events (both in Wales and the UK), relevant to my areas of interest to develop further research relationships. These will include the annual Anaesthesia research conference and the RCOG annual academic meeting. I am also in the process of developing a multi-professional PPH webinar which will be facilitated by the academic anaesthetic department in Cardiff. This will enable wider dissemination of the learning and results of the OBS Cymru and PPH research projects undertaken locally.

Wedi'i gwblhau
Research lead
Dr Sarah Bell
Yn weithredol
Dyddiad cychwyn
1 Ebrill 2022
Dyddiad cau
31 Mawrth 2025
NHS Research Time Award
Cyfeirnod y Prosiect