Breadcrumb Hafan Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Consolidation Registration Form Intro paragraph Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Consolidation training registration form Pre-requisites: It is recommended that learners complete the NIHR Learn GCP e-learning within the past 6 months before registering for this course, but this not compulsory. All Health and Care Research Wales training is offered free of charge to all staff and the public working on or associated with Health and Care Research Wales studies. By registering for this training you are agreeing to our non-attendance and cancellation policy. Further information will be sent approximately 7 days prior to the course. Please complete the form below to register. Course Venue Course date Title - Dim -MissMsMrsMrMxDrProfessor First name: Last name Job title Organisation Work address Email address (work) Email address (work) Please note, email addresses will be visible in the Teams invite. If you are registering with a personal email address, please let us know if you require your invite separately. Please confirm your email address Telephone number (work or mobile) Do you have any specific requirements? (access, diet, religion, adapted learning materials, other) We may use your details to contact you in the future with information on similar training. Please indicate whether you are happy to be contacted Yes No We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Any personal information you provide will be used according to our Privacy Policy for the purposes of maintaining training records within Health and Care Research Wales support and delivery. Please tick below to indicate that you agree to us proceeding with the task I agree Information message By registering for a space on this training course you are agreeing to our non-attendance and cancellation policy. Please read the full policy and then confirm your acceptance by ticking the check box below. I have read and agree to the non-attendance and cancellation policy I have read and agree to the non-attendance and cancellation policy.