Female attendees discussing research in a workshop

Introduction to NIHR i4i webinars for Devolved Administrations

31 Awst

Mae’r cynnwys hwn wedi dod o wefan allanol ac mae ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig. 

The NIHR i4i programme is now accepting applications from researchers and organisations based in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, in addition to applications from England.

This change will be effective for the upcoming i4i competitions in autumn 2023, including PDA Call 27, and Challenge Call 16, which will launch on 11 Oct 2023.

There will be two webinars to improve accessibility. It's not necessary to sign up for both since the content will be the same for both. The webinars are designed specifically for researchers from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who are interested in learning about the i4i programme. In October 2023, the NIHR will hold their regular launch webinars for anyone who is interested.

Book your place on either webinar:

During the webinar, you will have an opportunity to book a 10 minute 1:1 session with an i4i Programme Manager.

NIHR i4i programme welcomes applications from across the UK.