Dr Rebecca Anthony

Dr Rebecca Anthony

Health and Care Research Wales Faculty award:

Award: Social Care Research Fellowship Scheme (2023 - 2027)

Project title: Feeling loved and appreciated: a mixed methods study to examine care-experienced children and young people’s relationships and their association with mental health and wellbeing.


Dr Rebecca Anthony is an early career researcher based at DECIPHer (Centre for Development, Evaluation, Complexity and Implementation in Public Health Improvement) Her research interests are in the area of improving outcomes for children and young people, with a specific focus on those who have experienced time in care. Her PhD explored the health and wellbeing of adoptive families in Wales. Since then she has supported the development of peer-reviewed publications and government reports using data generated by the School Health Research Network.

Prior to her PhD Rebecca worked in numerous research roles within the social care field, including at Dartington Social Research Unit, the University of East Anglia and Swansea University. Rebecca previously worked as a trial manager of a universal parenting programme. 

Rebecca also trained and worked as a counsellor with adults with mild to moderate mental health issues.

 Read more about Rebecca and their work:

Health and Care Research Wales announces funding for researchers in latest round of awards



Research associate at Cardiff University

Contact Rebecca

Tel: 07885 548601


