Centre for Adult Social Care Research (CARE)
Health and Care Research Wales has funded a brand new £3m research centre for adult social care at Cardiff University, bringing together expertise from across the sector and delivering on a key commitment in our three-year plan.
The Centre for Adult Social Care Research (CARE) will combine expertise within the university and foster collaboration with experts elsewhere in the UK, developing cutting-edge research on adult social care. To ensure its work is relevant to the social care sector, CARE will have an oversight group of senior leaders and policy-makers, and advisory panels of practitioners and people with lived experience of receiving social care services.
The development of CARE will be supported by the Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE). CARE offices will be located in the University’s SPARK building. SPARK opened in 2022 as the first social science research park in the world. This purpose-built facility co-locates world-leading social science researchers with organisations and representatives from the public, third and private sectors, some of which are focused on social care.
Further details tbc
In the news:
Health and Care Research Wales launches new £3m research centre for adult social care (May 2023)